Hey NordicTrack, where’s the treadmill I ordered?

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By Christopher Elliott

Where’s Juliana Lenny’s NordicTrack treadmill? Did she cancel her order or is it just lost somewhere? Let’s find out.


I ordered a treadmill from NordicTrack recently. The company promised the unit would be shipped in 10 to 14 days and told me to wait for a local delivery service to call. On day 25, I heard from the company, by which time I was traveling for work. I scheduled a delivery for the next week.

I took a day off of a new job to take delivery. But the delivery company forgot to put the treadmill on the truck and couldn’t deliver it.

A NordicTrack representative just emailed me that I would have to pay a “restocking fee” if I canceled. I didn’t want to cancel, I just want the equipment.

The local delivery says my order is canceled. NordicTrack keeps telling me they’ll send the treadmill. I have no equipment. Can you help? — Juliana Lenny, Stockton, Calif.


NordicTrack should have delivered your treadmill sooner. But don’t take my word for it. NordicTrack says so on its site: “Orders may take 3-5 business day to ship.” While it notes that shipping times vary, “Most orders arrive in 10 business days after the date of shipment.”

Your order took more than twice that amount of time. And then it wasn’t on the delivery truck.

Strange behavior for a company that claims to help customers “exceed” their health and fitness goals. The only thing they seem to be exceeding are the limits of your patience.

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Keeping records between you and NordicTrack

You kept meticulous records of your case, including emails between you and NordicTrack. That’s excellent. I should also note that this case involved more than a simple treadmill. In the end, it threatened to affect your job and your credit score. You didn’t need that kind of a headache.

I’m no fan of restocking fees. When I reviewed your case, I noted that NordicTrack wanted to charge you 10 percent of the order price to take the order back, even though it had never delivered the treadmill. Restocking fees are a type of junk fee, particularly in your situation, where the unit never appears to have left the warehouse. They’re just charging you a fee because they can.

NordicTrack (ICON Health & Fitness) executive contacts are on my consumer advocacy site. You might have also reached out to them to see if they could straighten this out. Usually, a brief, polite email to the right person can fix cases like both yours, and this reader who received a broken treadmill.

I contacted NordicTrack, and it got in touch with the delivery company and found your missing treadmill.

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Christopher Elliott

Christopher Elliott is the founder of Elliott Advocacy, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that empowers consumers to solve their problems and helps those who can't. He's the author of numerous books on consumer advocacy and writes three nationally syndicated columns. He also publishes the Elliott Report, a news site for consumers, and Elliott Confidential, a critically acclaimed newsletter about customer service. If you have a consumer problem you can't solve, contact him directly through his advocacy website. You can also follow him on X, Facebook, and LinkedIn, or sign up for his daily newsletter.

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