The Elliott Report is a news site published by consumer advocate Christopher Elliott in association with Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization.
The Elliott Report features articles and commentary about how to become a smarter consumer.
We publish an authoritative list of executive contacts. If you have a problem with a company, this information will help you get a quick resolution.
✓ Our Advocacy feature is a deep dive into a consumer problem with a practical resolution.
✓ Problem Solved is a weekly consumer column that fixes reader problems.
✓ On Travel is a weekly consumer travel column that offers information and advice for people planning a business or leisure trip.
✓ The Travel Troubleshooter is a weekly consumer column that solves travel problems.
✓ Our Ultimate Consumer Guides is a series of how-to articles that will help you have a better consumer experience.
✓ We also publish biweekly features on destinations and travel safety.
If you’re having trouble with a business — any business — and you’ve reached a dead end, we’ll do our best to help. Send our consumer advocacy team a request and we’ll investigate.
My team and I are pretty old school, when it comes to our advocacy. We focus on getting a fair outcome. We avoid drama. And we never write stories for search engines or as AI-bait. We write for you.