Urban Company Customer Service Contacts

Urban Company is an online platform that connects customers with professional service providers for home services such as cleaning, beauty treatments, plumbing, and appliance repairs.

How to reach a person at Urban Company

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What you need to know about Urban Company

Customer service experiences with Urban Company can be hit or miss. Some users report fast, helpful responses, while others find the support to be slow.

Urban Company customer service response times

Urban Company’s customer service response times can vary depending on the method of contact, the volume of inquiries, and the nature of the issue. However, here’s a general idea of what to expect:

Phone supportUrban Company does not have phone support.
Email supportUrban Company offers customer support through multiple channels, including email. For email support, you can contact resolve@urbancompany.com.
Online contact formUrban Company does not have online contact support.
Live chat supportUrban Company does not have live chat support.
Social mediaFor social media support, you can reach out to Urban Company’s official support handle on X (formerly Twitter) at @UC_Assist.

How to resolve a problem with Urban Company

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Urban Company mailing address

Plot No 19 Sewa Tower, 5th Floor
Near Sub. Major Laxmi Chand Road
Phase IV, Maruti Udyog, Sector 18 India

Urban Company loyalty program

Urban Company offers a loyalty program in partnership with SHARE, a rewards platform. By linking your SHARE account with Urban Company, you can earn SHARE points on all home services booked through the platform.

Urban Company social media channels


Urban Company executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Varun Khaitan
COO & Co-founder
Plot No 19 Sewa Tower, 5th Floor
Near Sub. Major Laxmi Chand Road
Phase IV, Maruti Udyog, Sector 18 India


Secondary Contact
Raghav Chandra
CPTO & Co-founder
Plot No 19 Sewa Tower, 5th Floor
Near Sub. Major Laxmi Chand Road
Phase IV, Maruti Udyog, Sector 18 India


Chief Executive
Abhiraj Bhal
Plot No 19 Sewa Tower, 5th Floor
Near Sub. Major Laxmi Chand Road
Phase IV, Maruti Udyog, Sector 18 India


Urban Company customer service policies

What is Urban Company's information security policy statement and objective?

Urban Company’s information security policy statement and objective focuses on protecting customer, professional, and company data by implementing effective security measures. This includes safeguarding against unauthorized access, ensuring data integrity, and maintaining confidentiality. The policy also emphasizes regular audits and risk management strategies to mitigate potential threats. Urban Company is committed to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to information security. The objective is to provide a secure digital environment for users and partners by continuously improving the security practices.

What is Urban Company's privacy policy?

Urban Company’s privacy policy outlines how they collect, use, and protect personal data. The company gathers information like contact details, preferences, and payment information to provide and improve services. They ensure the confidentiality and security of this data, with measures to prevent unauthorized access. Urban Company may share information with service providers and legal authorities when required. Users have the right to access and update their data and can opt out of certain data collection practices.

What is Urban Company's terms of service?

Urban Company’s terms of service outline the conditions for using its platform, including customer and service provider responsibilities. The terms cover bookings, payment methods, cancellations, and refunds. It also details the company’s liability limitations and privacy practices. By using Urban Company’s services, users agree to comply with the terms, which may be updated periodically. Disputes are resolved as per the governing laws of the relevant jurisdiction.

What should I do if I am unable to make payment?

If you are unable to complete a payment, follow these steps:

  • Try using a different payment method (e.g., debit card instead of UPI).
  • If that doesn’t work, select “Pay online after service” or “Pay with cash after service” options.
  • If multiple payment methods fail or the options aren’t available, wait and try again later.
  • If an amount has been debited but payment shows as failed, it will be credited back to your account within 7 working days.

How can I register as a professional?

To register as a professional on Urban Company, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Urban Company partner portal.
  • Click on “sign up” or “join us” to create an account.
  • Fill out the required details, such as your name, contact information, and preferred service category.
  • Submit necessary documents and any required qualifications for the service you offer.
  • Complete your registration and wait for confirmation.
Frequently asked questions about Urban Company

How can I contact Urban Company's customer support?

Email Urban Company customer service at resolve@urbancompany.com.

How can I make a complaint?

Email Urban Company customer service at resolve@urbancompany.com.

How can I cancel or reschedule a service?

To cancel or reschedule a service, you can use the Urban Company app.

How to get professional help with your Urban Company problem

If you need help with Urban Company, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help
DISCLAIMER: The names, numbers and email addresses on this page are provided for informational purposes and are believed to be reliable. However, they should in no way be construed as a guarantee of their accuracy by Elliott.org. Company executives change their email addresses and phone numbers frequently to avoid contact with customers.

If an email address bounces or a phone number is wrong, please report it to us immediately through this form.

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