Better Business Bureau (BBB)

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a nonprofit organization that provides the public with information on businesses in the United States and Canada.

How to reach a person at Better Business Bureau

Customer service: (703) 276-0100

Better Business Bureau Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about Better Business Bureau

We have not received any recent complaints about Better Business Bureau.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

We care about accuracy. If any of the following email addresses bounce back or the phone numbers are incorrect, please report it to us immediately through this form.

Better Business Bureau mailing address

3033 Wilson Blvd
Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201

Better Business Bureau social media channels


Better Business Bureau executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Clayton Alexander
Communications Specialist
3033 Wilson Blvd
Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201


Chief Executive
Steven McFarland
3033 Wilson Blvd
Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201


Frequently asked questions about Better Business Bureau (BBB)

How can I contact BBB customer service?

Call (703) 276-0100 or send a message via the online form.

When is BBB customer service available to take your call?

BBB customer service is available 24/7.

Is the BBB affiliated with a government agency?

No, the BBB is not affiliated with any governmental agency.

Can I check the status of my BBB complaint?

Yes, you can check the status of your complaint by logging into your account on the BBB website and going to the “My Complaints” section. You can also contact BBB customer service at (703) 276-0100 for updates.

How do I report a scam to the BBB?

Visit the BBB Scam Tracker at and provide details about the scam. This helps the BBB track and warn others about potential scams.

How can I verify if a business is BBB accredited?

Search for the business on the BBB website. Accredited businesses will have a BBB accreditation seal displayed on their profile.

What information can I find in a BBB Profile?

A BBB Profile includes information about the business’s accreditation status, rating, customer reviews, complaint history, and any government actions taken against the business.

What should I do if I have a question about BBB ratings?

If you have questions about how BBB ratings are determined, visit the BBB website‘s “Ratings Overview” section or contact customer service at (703) 276-0100 for detailed information on the rating criteria.

How to get professional help with your Better Business Bureau problem

If you need help with Better Business Bureau, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help
DISCLAIMER: The names, numbers and email addresses on this page are provided for informational purposes and are believed to be reliable. However, they should in no way be construed as a guarantee of their accuracy by Company executives change their email addresses and phone numbers frequently to avoid contact with customers.

If an email address bounces or a phone number is wrong, please report it to us immediately through this form.

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