Getting screened by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is the most dreaded part of a flight for many passengers — especially in 2025.
The agency has a well-deserved reputation for treating air travelers like cattle. From yelling at them at the checkpoint (“all laptops, liquids and gels OUT of your bag!”) to prodding them into the hated full-body scanners (“legs apart”) to giving them an invasive pat-down (“everything out of your pockets — now!”) it’s no wonder many people avoid air travel entirely.
It has also been busy this year. Just last week, the TSA said PreCheck members would no longer have to show their ID at certain screening areas. Facial recognition will allow them to skip the part where you fumble for your ID before you’re getting screened. TSA agents have caught lots of passengers trying to carry guns on the plane, but TSA agents have also been caught — sometimes on camera — pilfering luggage.
In this guide, we’ll answer the following questions:
- What is the TSA and what do I need to know about it?
- What should I know about the TSA screening process?
- How do I complain to the TSA?
What is the TSA?
The TSA is a federal agency that protects the nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. After 9/11, the agency screeners replaced core transportation security functions performed by private contractors. Note: We publish the names, numbers and email addresses of key TSA managers on this site.
What’s new with TSA for 2025?
Here are the biggest changes you can expect at a TSA screening area this year:
- REAL ID enforcement finally starts May 7. Compliant identification will be required of all air travelers 18 and older at TSA checkpoints, although there will still be alternate ways of verifying your ID.
- More airports will get advanced imaging technology, with new scanners that allow you to leave electronics and liquids in your bag.
- TSA PreCheck membership fees have risen to as high as $78 for a five-year membership (prices for Global Entry, a related trusted traveler program, jumped to $120 last year).
- The pilot program for facial recognition technology has expanded to other major airports, but they are still voluntary — for now.
- Some airports have bumped up the size of devices that need to be taken out of the bag for screening to anything larger than 4 inches by 6 inches. That includes some cell phones and tablets.
The TSA has also shifted some of its screening resources. There’s greater scrutiny of powdered materials, and more in-depth examination of powders greater than 12 ounces, is ongoing.
Where will you find the TSA?
The agency can’t police every highway, airport, or waterway, and it never will. Instead, you’ll find the TSA at major airports and some regional airports with commercial service.
If you’re using a major airport, the TSA will screen you. You can avoid the TSA by flying on charter flights or private aircraft.
Do you have to comply with the TSA?
Once the screening process has begun, you must finish the screening. But it’s important to note that TSA screeners, also referred to as Transportation Security Officers, do not have law enforcement authority. In other words, they can’t arrest you. They have to call airport police to do that.
If you’re not at the airport, the rules are different. If you approach a checkpoint on the road, you can make a U-turn or walk away. There is no legal requirement to allow an agent to search your car.
In addition, you can deny airport police permission to search you or your car by saying, “I do not consent to a search.” A law enforcement officer can’t search your car without probable cause — in other words, unless he or she sees something suspicious. So technically, it’s possible to pass through a TSA checkpoint and deny agents the right to search your vehicle. But you are probably better off just leaving or complying.
Should you try to avoid the TSA?
Probably not. A vast majority of TSA airport searches are incident-free. The agents are polite, efficient, and helpful. But some aren’t. There are disagreements over the safety of the TSA’s body scanners, misunderstandings over prohibited items, and, of course, altercations over pat-downs. I know some travelers who believe the TSA is doing a great job protecting us from terrorism. Others flat-out refuse to fly.
Certain air travelers may want to pay closer attention to the way the TSA operates, since it could affect their trip. Travelers with disabilities, and especially passengers with mobility problems, tend to have a higher-than-average incident rate with the agency and its screenings.
The agency also seems to dislike shutterbugs, even though taking pictures of a TSA screening is generally acceptable. (Note: This isn’t always the case. Local regulations may restrict photography in other places. If you have the urge to shoot photos at a cruise terminal or train station, ask if it’s OK to take photos, particularly when it comes to capturing any images of the screening process.)
A TSA agent may confront you if you show up with a video camera on “record.” The agent might ask you to turn off the camera. I recommend that you comply.
Also, if you’re skittish about being touched, poked, and prodded by a stranger, then some TSA screening methods might not be for you. The TSA uses what’s called an “enhanced” pat-down to resolve any screening anomalies. A full pat-down is typically used when you refuse to go through a full-body scanner or if a scan sets off an alarm (more on that in a moment). That means an agent will touch your arms, legs, torso and other parts of your body, including possibly your head, with a gloved hand. The TSA says only a small percentage of screenings require a pat-down.
How do you get around the TSA?
The best way to steer clear of the agency is to plan a trip that avoids a scheduled airline, if possible. If you have to fly, take a chartered flight on a small aircraft. Most business and leisure trips take place by car, so you would be in good company if you simply decided to drive. A cruise is another way to travel TSA-free. But none of these methods is a guarantee; the agency is currently expanding, and if it could, it would probably screen every method of travel, in accordance with its mission statement.
How can I get “expedited” screening?
The TSA has carved out a list of passengers who are exempt from screening. They include:
- Working pilots.
- Flight attendants on duty.
- Senior members of Congress.
- Cabinet secretaries.
- Former Presidents.
- Members of the military (traveling in uniform) and their families.
- Police officers on duty.
- On-duty cargo loaders, baggage handlers, fuelers, cabin cleaners, and caterers who work at the airport, have airport IDs issued after undergoing background checks and training and are on duty.
- Foreign dignitaries.
- Members of TSA’s PreCheck (trusted traveler) program.
What is PreCheck? How do I get it?
If you’re a frequent traveler, you may want to consider joining the PreCheck program in order to avoid some screening procedures. PreCheck is an expedited security screening program that offers a shortcut through the normal security screening process and, according to the TSA, a “better” air travel experience. You don’t remove your electronics and liquids from your carry-on luggage. No body scanner. You also don’t have to take off your shoes.
Here’s more information on PreCheck and how to qualify.
Bear in mind that while the program may expedite your screening, it can’t promise that you’ll avoid a scan or pat-down. The TSA reserves the right to conduct a regular screening or to deny you PreCheck benefits for any reason. And FYI — don’t try to use that PreCheck line unless you actually have the approval to use it.
How does the process work?
You can pre-enroll online. Once you’re “conditionally approved,” you can schedule your appointment for an in-person interview. The appointment needs to be scheduled within 30 days of being conditionally approved. If there are no appointments available, you may need to travel to another airport. When you see that your status is conditionally approved, you will be prompted to print a copy of the letter, which you will need to bring with you to your appointment. The letter will include a list of documentation that you will need to bring.
What happens during the interview?
The interview is scheduled to last about 15 minutes, and is usually a quick process. Most interviews last less than 15 minutes. You’ll be asked for your letter and passport or other ID. An agent will verify a few facts about your travel history. You’ll be fingerprinted. You’ll receive an email within a few days confirming your acceptance into the program, but sometimes, you’ll have the confirmation before you leave the airport.
If you’re also applying for Global Entry, you will receive a border crossing card you can present if you cross the border in a car.
How does TSA know that you are a part of this program?
Your PreCheck profile is linked to your passport. Whenever you book your travel plans, you can add your Known Traveler Number to your airline reservation, which gives you access to the PreCheck line. When your boarding pass is printed, you’ll see the PreCheck designation on an airline participating in the program, which allows you to use the PreCheck line.
What are some common misconceptions about the TSA?
With the possible exception of fares, no aspect of air travel is more misunderstood than the TSA checkpoint. Here are a few common myths about TSA screening.
Is there a “good” and a “bad” time to be flying, in terms of getting through the TSA screening area faster?
Not really. TSA scales back its staffing during slow times and ramps up its checkpoints with employees during busy times. Predicting a “better” time to go through security is difficult. You go when you need to fly, and if you’re traveling at a busy time of day, give yourself an extra 15 minutes or so, just to be safe.
Is the TSA Mobile app worth downloading?
It can be. The MyTSA app relies on passengers to report their wait times, and the content is controlled by the TSA. If you need to know how long you’ll take at the screening area, it’s useful to have.
How do I prepare for screening?
Want to get through the TSA screening process as quickly and painlessly as possible? If you don’t participate in a trusted traveler program, here are a few tried and true ways to make your checkpoint experience a smoother one.
Pack light
The more you have to screen, the longer it takes. Bring a small carry-on bag if possible.
Leave the hiking boots at home
Taking your shoes on and off can slow down the process. Wear shoes you can slip out of — and back into — quickly.
You’ve been through the metal detector before, so you probably already know what sets it off. Don’t wear anything that might make it beep (if you do, you’ll have to undergo a dreaded secondary screening). Pay attention to belt buckles and jewelry, which tend to make the machine scream. Also, remove your belt and all items from your pockets when going through Advanced Imaging Technology units.
No jacket required
If you can avoid wearing a jacket, do it. Jackets usually have to be removed, and that’s another step that slows the process down.
Don’t forget to breathe
The screening area is the most stressful part of the airport. Slow down, take deep breaths, and don’t let them see you sweat. No, seriously. If you look too nervous, you could get a secondary screening.
How do the experts get through the screening process?
Card-carrying frequent fliers are members of PreCheck, or have access to the special first-class lines, so they move through the system much faster than us ordinary mortals. Even when their preferred lines aren’t available, they know how to get around the masses.
- Buy a decent carry-on bag. Get something that’s easy to open, and if you’re traveling with a laptop, make sure it’s in a TSA-approved laptop case (that way, you shouldn’t have to take your laptop out of your bag, which can also cause delays). You’ll also look like you know what you’re doing, which counts for something.
- Double-check your luggage before you leave home. Make sure you didn’t pack any knives, firearms, or other prohibited items. They may be discovered by the TSA screeners, which is your best-case scenario. Trust me, the last thing you want is to find the loaded revolver you accidentally packed when you’re already on a plane. That could lead to a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, and a very serious delay.
- Look for the line without the body scanner. Those lines tend to move faster, because the body scanner adds anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute of screening time per passenger. You can choose the line you stand in most of the time, at least in my experience. Check the TSA Status site to find the exact locations of the scanners. It’s a good idea to stay as far away from them as possible, as I’ll explain in a minute.
- Shoes first. You’ll want to remove your shoes first, and put them on the conveyor belt before the rest of your luggage. Why? Because after you pass through the magnetometer, it’s the first thing you’ll be looking for, and the first thing you should do — put your shoes back on. If you reverse the process, it’s less efficient.
Do I have to obey every uniformed person I encounter at a TSA screening area?
No. Some of the uniformed employees you’ll meet prior to reaching the security checkpoint are contracted out by the airlines for queue management and are not trained or authorized to conduct inspections. None of the TSA workers have actual law enforcement authority, even though they refer to themselves as “officers.”
If they need to make an arrest, they have to call airport police. If a TSA employee gives you instructions that you are uncomfortable with, you can politely refuse. The worst that can happen is that the agent will call the police, and you will get to explain the problem to a third party.
Can I get randomly selected for a secondary screening?
It’s been a while since someone complained to our team about randomly getting the legendary “SSSS” mark on a boarding pass, which instructs agents to give you a secondary screening.
But it is still happening. There have been several well-known triggers for getting the ol’ once-over in the past, including paying for your tickets with cash, flying one way, and of course, having a name that matches one on the terrorist watchlist. You can also set off the magnetometer or body scanner.
Is it true that American passengers love to bring guns and other dangerous weapons on the plane? Isn’t that why we have the TSA?
Not exactly. TSA likes to brag about weapons confiscations. But the truth is, virtually all of the “dangerous” weapons it confiscates are accidental — which is to say, someone packed their gun in a carry-on bag by mistake. To date, none of the passengers whose contraband has been intercepted by the TSA has been charged with any crimes relating to terrorism. They just forgot to pack their firearms and knives in their checked baggage.
Do TSA agents have access to extensive information about me at their fingertips?
Hardly. In the past, it’s actually been pretty easy to print a fake boarding pass, and get through a screening area, although I wouldn’t recommend trying it. Agents can’t verify your flight, ping the DMV database for speeding tickets, and pull up your criminal record — there’s just not enough time. The employees screening you don’t know who you are, and they don’t know for certain if you even have a ticket to fly that day. For more information on what the government knows about you, see its Secure Flight page.
If I have a disagreement or argument with a TSA agent, will I be added to some kind of no-fly list?
It isn’t a crime to disagree with the TSA, or even to be a critic. If you are a suspected terrorist, you could end up on the terrorist watchlist. The TSA doesn’t keep the watchlist; the Terrorist Screening Center maintains the database.
Do my liquids and gels really need to go in a plastic bag on the conveyor belt?
Enforcement of the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule is sometimes erratic. Some agents let anything through. Others will reportedly confiscate all of your cosmetics if you don’t store them in a clear plastic bag. Your best bet is to comply with this rule even if you disagree with it.
Should I opt out of the full-body scanner?
If you’re unfortunate enough to get into a line with a working scanner, a screener will ask you to walk through it. The process is pretty straightforward: Empty your pockets, remove your belt, step into the machine, hold your hands above your head, and the machine does the rest. You won’t feel anything. If you refuse, an agent will subject you to a secondary screening, and a pat-down, under the TSA’s current screening procedures. Even if you agree to use the scanner, you may still be subjected to a pat-down if something suspicious — agents refer to it as an “anomaly” — is detected during the scan.
Passengers object to the scanners for two main reasons: First, the scanners can look through your clothes, allowing the machine to see all of you, although new privacy software is said to fix that. Second, they worry about being exposed to harmful radiation from the scanners.
The best decision is to avoid having to make it in the first place. Find a scanner-less line, and you’ll be able to get through the screening area if your luggage passes the X-ray inspection, and you make it through the magnetometer. Bear in mind that the secondary screening would still be a pat-down.
Who should allow themselves to get scanned?
I’ve been covering the TSA since its inception, and have seen screening technology come and go. Most airport scanners today use “millimeter” wave technology, which is thought to be less harmful than the X-ray scanners that were installed at airports in 2010. Still, I can’t personally recommend the current scanners to anyone.
Who should always go through the scanner?
If you have any type of implanted medical device, such as a pacemaker or artificial joints, you might prefer the scanner. People with medical implants tell me that life is much easier if you use the scanner rather than the metal detector. Your implanted device invariably sets off the metal detector, leading to “very unpleasant” pat-downs, according to these travelers.
Who should not get scanned?
Here’s my personal advice, based on covering the TSA and watching the technology evolve. I would consider avoiding a scanner under the following circumstances. If you:
- Are pregnant or might be pregnant.
- Flying with traveling with young kids.
- You’ve already been exposed to a lot of radiation, or are being medically treated with radiation.
All TSA scanners have privacy software that makes you look like a stick figure on the scan. If you don’t want a machine to see through your clothes, you’ll want to politely decline a scan. The TSA claims its full-body scanners are completely safe and respect your privacy. If you believe the TSA, then feel free to ignore my recommendation.
How do I say “no” to a scan?
Politely tell your screener that you would prefer not to go through the scanner. The agent may do one of two things:
- Claim the scanner is 100 percent safe and also mandatory.
- Physically search you, also called a pat-down.
If a screener insists you use the scanner, calmly say, “I would like to opt out, please.” You generally have the right to refuse the scan. This puts the agent on notice that you are aware of your rights. (Note: As of December 2015, the TSA may, in rare cases, insist that you use the scanner. If you don’t, you can’t fly.) Try to be as polite and nonconfrontational as possible if it gets to this stage.
How do you survive a pat-down with your dignity intact?
No one should have to choose between a scan or pat-down. While a vast majority of pat-downs are incent-free, too many are not. These strategies can help you get through this unfortunate procedure:
- Introduce yourself. Say, “Hi, my name is… what’s your name?” No, you’re not asking the screener on a date. You want to get the agent’s name, and you want to establish that you are a person, not a suspect. Important: Take a mental note of the agent’s name. You may need it later.
- Always ask to have the pat-down done in a public place. The opportunity for misunderstanding or mischief is far higher behind closed doors.
- Mention any medical condition you might have, no matter how small. If you’re just getting over a cold, or you have a sore knee, bring it up. Some pat-downs can be forceful to the point of hurting. Telling the agent you have sensitivities will probably make him or her tread carefully.
- You have the right to ask the agent to change gloves. Most will do so as a matter of practice.
- Talk your way through it. This is not something you should endure in silence. Give the agent constant feedback. If the pat-down gets too rough, use phrases like, “I really have to go to the bathroom,” or “Easy there, that’s an old baseball injury” to encourage the TSA employee to back off. The procedure should take no longer than 30 seconds.
- If you’re uncomfortable, say something immediately. TSA agents are trained to tell you where they are about to touch you. They should not touch your genital area, or conduct a cavity search. If an agent is prodding you in a private area, take a step back. Sy that you are uncomfortable with the procedure, and politely but firmly ask for a supervisor.
What’s the best attire for a screening?
Dress right for screening. Avoid short skirts, and don’t forget to wear underwear when you’re flying. When passengers don’t fully cover themselves, a pat-down can end badly. Gentlemen, I’m talking to you, too. Leave those kilts at home!
What if I have a problem with airport security?
The U.S. is still a free country. You may express your opinions to the TSA agents you meet at the airport. You may criticize the liquids and gel rule, the scans, the searches, the shoe removal, and anything else you see. However, it isn’t unusual for TSA agents to give vocal critics a secondary screening (I’ve experienced this myself).
My advice? Wait until you’re past the checkpoint to speak your mind. Better yet, vote for a congressional candidate who represents your views on this subject.
How do I complain to the TSA?
Ideally, the resolution would happen in real time. Wait until you get home, and like other travel-related grievances, you may never get a fix.
If something goes wrong with your screening, and you ask for a supervisor, you should probably know a thing or two about the TSA hierarchy:
Transportation Security Officer (TSO) – These are the people who are screening you, sometimes also called “one-stripers” because they have a single stripe on their shoulderboard.
Lead Transportation Security Officer (LTSO) – Also called a “two-striper.” The LTSO has direct oversight in the screening area. It is most likely the first supervisor who will arrive if there’s a complaint.
Supervisory Transportation Security Officer (STSO) – The “three-striper” usually oversees the entire screening area. He or she will be called to the scene if things get serious.
Above them, there are other TSA managers you should be aware of, including the Transportation Security Manager (TSM), the Assistant Federal Security Director for Screening (AFSD), and the highest-ranking TSA employee at the airport, the Federal Security Director (FSD). They don’t wear uniforms, and you are unlikely to ever see them.
Once you’re away from the airport, there are several layers of Area Directors (AD), several flavors of Administrator (Deputy Assistant Administrator, Assistant Administrator, and Deputy Administrator), followed by the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for the Transportation Security Administration, also referred to as the TSA Administrator, and last but not least, the Deputy Secretary, and the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
It helps to know this chain of command if something should go wrong. So, for example, if you’ve been patted down, and a “three-striper” is telling you to move along, you can ask for the TSM. Remember to always be polite; it’s actually your secret weapon when you’re trying to resolve a grievance in real time. The police have never arrested anyone for being too polite.
What kinds of grievances should I wait for?
If you’re still at the airport, and there’s a chance a screener can address your problem, you should say something. But if the TSA needs additional information to resolve your problem, you may need to wait until you’ve arrived at your destination. For example, the agency will need to document any allegations of serious screener misconduct like assault or theft. The TSA will also report the incident to airport police. You’ll want to create a paper trail regardless of the outcome of your initial complaint. You’ll also need to file a form for lost or damaged property, or a civil rights complaint. More on that in a sec.
A note about lost, damaged, or stolen property: Some TSA agents have been in the news for pilfering items from checked luggage. Although the agency says it has tried to curb the thefts with a “zero tolerance” policy, it’s better to keep a close eye on your belongings. If an agent pulls you aside for a pat-down or wanting, politely ask agent to bring your personal belongings over where you can see them during the procedure.
Don’t ever check anything valuable. Take reasonable steps to secure your luggage by closing all latches in your carry-on bag and making it difficult to easily access your valuables. That way, if they decide to go after your bag, they’ll have to work for it and they won’t get anything of value if they do. (Note: TSA agents can open your checked baggage to inspect it. Don’t leave anything of value in there. Ever.)
What do I need to know about the claims process?
Beyond what’s on the TSA site about the claim process, there are a few things they won’t tell you.
The claims process can take a long time (sometimes up to six months!), and I hear from lots of travelers who are unsuccessful at it. One of the problems is that the appeals process seems to be something of a loop. The denials often appear arbitrary and lead to more denials, regardless of whether your case has any merit. The reason you don’t hear more passengers griping about the system isn’t that the agency is quickly replacing the items its agents damaged or stole during screening. It’s that passengers simply fail to file a claim when they have one, believing the TSA will never process it.
Is there an appeal process?
Yes. You can send an appeal, along with more information that might persuade the TSA to change its mind, to the following address:
TSA Claims Management Branch (TSA-9)
601 South 12th Street
Arlington, VA 20598-6009
Or you can sue the agency. No, seriously — that’s what the TSA recommends.
Can I shortcut the process on social media?
No. The TSA’s uses its main X account, @TSA, for agency messaging and doesn’t interact with passengers. But it would be inaccurate to say TSA doesn’t pay attention to the online chatter. It does, but mostly for PR reasons. I haven’t seen it reverse a claim denial because of something a passenger said via social media.
The TSA also fields general questions from the traveling public through its @AskTSA account. It’s a productive first step toward a more meaningful dialog. Response times can take up to 24 hours. (For more information, see: What can you take on the plane? Let’s Ask TSA!)
What about other complaints?
The other major type of grievance is the civil rights complaint. You’ll find instructions for how to file one on the TSA site. What won’t they tell you? That’s difficult to say. I’ve never actually heard from anyone who has filed a successful civil rights complaint with the TSA. If the process is anything like its luggage claims, then it is slow, and for many, absolutely pointless.
With any luck, you’ll never end up at the end of your appeals process. Instead, you’ll avoid having to file a complaint.
About this story
This guide started as a series of stories following my own run-in with the TSA in 2009. That turned into a chapter in my book, “How To Be The World’s Smartest Traveler,” which later became the foundation for this guide. The TSA is a slow and inefficient federal agency. Having traveled around the world, I can tell you that there are more efficient ways of screening passengers. Hopefully, this guide will help us get there — eventually.