Elliott Responsiveness Ratings

The Elliott Responsiveness Ratings evaluate a company's responsiveness to customers. We rate companies on a scale of 1 to 5 using the following criteria:

  • Average response time to customer service questions or queries by our advocates.
  • Willingness of executives to be contacted by customers.
  • Cooperation with this site to keep their listing up-to-date.

Our advocacy reviews our consumer complaints database to determine a company's score.

Guide to the Elliott Responsiveness Ratings


Company always responds to customer feedback or third parties. Executives willingly share their direct email address and phone number with customers and welcome direct customer feedback, often getting directly involved in a resolution. They also work with this site to ensure their contact information is up to date. Here's more information about the Elliott Responsiveness Ratings.


Company almost always responds to customer feedback or third parties. Executives do not try to hide from customers and welcome direct customer feedback, often getting directly involved in a resolution. Here's more information about the Elliott Responsiveness Ratings.


Company often responds to customer feedback or third parties. Executives do not try to hide from customers but they do not welcome direct customer feedback and often reroute it to an assistant or to an executive customer service department. Here's more information about the Elliott Responsiveness Ratings.

Companies with a three-shield responsiveness rating


Company generally does not respond to customer feedback or third parties. Executives try to hide from customers by changing their email addresses and phone numbers frequently. When we publish executives' information, they threaten to sue us. Here's more information about the Elliott Responsiveness Ratings.

Companies with a one-shield responsiveness rating