TeleCheck Customer Service Contacts

TeleCheck provides check verification and electronic payment services to businesses.

How to reach a person at TeleCheck

TeleCheck Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings. Want to know which companies have the best -- and worst -- customer service? Check out our Red List and Green List. Rate TeleCheck

What you need to know about TeleCheck

TeleCheck customer service experiences vary, with some users finding support helpful and timely, while others report longer wait times and occasional difficulty resolving complex issues.

TeleCheck customer service response times

TeleCheck’s customer service response times can vary depending on the method of contact, the volume of inquiries, and the nature of the issue. However, here’s a general idea of what to expect:

Phone supportTeleCheck’s customer service response times can vary depending on the volume of inquiries and the time of day. During peak hours, wait times may be longer, so call early or use online support tools for quicker assistance. Call customer service at
(800) 366-2425.
Email supportTeleCheck’s email support response times can vary, with delays possible depending on the volume of inquiries. Generally, email responses might take 1 to 3 business days, though more urgent issues may require follow-up through phone support. Email TeleCheck at
Live chatTeleCheck’s live chat support response times can vary based on demand, but generally, live chat is a quicker way to get assistance compared to phone or email support.
Social mediaTeleCheck’s social media customer service response times can vary depending on the platform and the volume of messages. Typically, responses on social media may take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the urgency and complexity of the inquiry. Here’s how to reach TeleCheck via social media.
Help center/FAQTeleCheck’s help center and FAQ support are designed to provide quick, self-service solutions to common questions or issues. Since these resources are automated, users can usually find answers instantly without waiting.

How to resolve a problem with TeleCheck

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

TeleCheck mailing address

1600 Terrell Mill Road SE
Marietta, GA 30067

TeleCheck loyalty program

TeleCheck does not have a loyalty program.

TeleCheck social media channels


TeleCheck executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Jess Hogan
Director of Operations
1600 Terrell Mill Road SE
Marietta, GA 30067


Secondary Contact
Ryan Crowley
Chief Operations Officer
1600 Terrell Mill Road SE
Marietta, GA 30067


Chief Executive
Mike Lyons
1600 Terrell Mill Road SE
Marietta, GA 30067


TeleCheck customer service policies

What is TeleCheck's accessibility statement?

TeleCheck’s accessibility statement states that its services are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all customers, including those with disabilities.

What is TeleCheck's privacy policy?

TeleCheck’s privacy policy explains how the company collects, stores, and uses personal and financial data. It outlines what information is gathered through the services, such as transaction history or contact details.

What is TeleCheck's rights and responsibilities policy?

TeleCheck’s rights and responsibilities policy outlines the terms of service for both the company and its customers. It defines the obligations of TeleCheck to provide accurate and timely check verification and electronic payment processing. Customers must ensure they comply with TeleCheck’s guidelines for acceptable use of services.

Is TeleCheck’s self-service available 24/7?

Yes, TeleCheck’s self-service options are available 24/7 through the website.

What is a consumer file report in TeleCheck's self-help section?

The “Consumer File Report” under TeleCheck’s self help-section provides detailed information about an individual’s check-writing history as recorded by TeleCheck.

What is a decline code lookup in TeleCheck's self help section?

A Decline Code Lookup in TeleCheck’s self help section allows consumers and businesses to find the specific reason a check or payment was declined.


Frequently asked questions about TeleCheck

What is the relationship between TeleCheck and Fiserv?

Fiserv is the parent company of TeleCheck. Fiserv acquired TeleCheck through its acquisition of First Data in 2019.

How can I contact TeleCheck customer service?

How does TeleCheck's check verification service work?

TeleCheck verifies the validity of checks at the point of sale by checking the payer’s check history, to ensure that the check has not been reported as lost or stolen.

How to get professional help with your TeleCheck problem

If you need help with TeleCheck, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

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DISCLAIMER: The names, numbers and email addresses on this page are provided for informational purposes and are believed to be reliable. However, they should in no way be construed as a guarantee of their accuracy by Company executives change their email addresses and phone numbers frequently to avoid contact with customers.

If an email address bounces or a phone number is wrong, please report it to us immediately through this form.

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