Railbookers Customer Service Contacts

Railbookers is a travel company that specializes in customizable, independent rail vacations worldwide.

How to reach a person at Railbookers

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What you need to know about Railbookers

Customer service experiences with Railbookers can be hit or miss. Some users report fast, helpful responses, while others find the support to be slow.

Railbookers customer service response times

Railbookers’ customer service response times can vary depending on the method of contact, the volume of inquiries, and the nature of the issue. However, here’s a general idea of what to expect:

Phone supportAvailable at 1-888-829-3040, Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (all times Eastern). Calls are typically answered promptly during these hours. Call (888) 829-3040.
Email supportRailbookers does not provide email support.
Online contact formAccessible on Railbookers’ website, this online contact form allows customers to send messages directly. Response times are similar to email inquiries, with efforts to address questions promptly.
Live chat supportRailbookers does not provide live chat support.
Social mediaRailbookers are active profiles on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. While the company engages with customers on these channels, response times can vary and may not be as immediate as phone support.

How to resolve a problem with Railbookers

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Railbookers mailing address

75 State Street
Suite 100
Boston, MA 02109

Railbookers loyalty program

Railbookers does have a loyalty program.

Railbookers social media channels


Railbookers executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Jarret Kettinger
Key Account Manager
75 State Street
Suite 100
Boston, MA 02109
(978) 867 1184


Secondary Contact
Ana Nevarez
Call Center Operations Manager
75 State Street
Suite 100
Boston, MA 02109
(978) 778 3451


Chief Executive
Frank Marini
75 State Street
Suite 100
Boston, MA 02109


Railbookers customer service policies

What is Railbookers privacy policy?

Railbookers UK Trading, Ltd. collects personal information such as name, contact details, and demographic data to process inquiries and bookings, manage accounting and billing, verify payments, conduct market research, and improve services. The company uses cookies to analyze website traffic and enhance user experience; users can control cookie preferences through browser settings. Personal information is not stored during payment processing nor shared with third parties. The privacy policy may be updated periodically, and users are encouraged to review it regularly.

What is Railbookers terms and conditions?

Railbookers’ terms and conditions outline policies on reservations, payments, cancellations, and refunds. A deposit is required at booking, with the balance due 90 days before departure. Cancellations made more than 91 days prior incur a 15 percent fee; those between 61 and 90 days incur a 25 percent fee; cancellations within 60 days result in a 100 percent penalty. Unused services of less than 48 consecutive hours are non-refundable. The Travel Protection Option (TPO) and Trip Protection Plus Option (TP+O) allow cancellations before noon Eastern Time on the last business day prior to departure, offering future travel credit or cash refund options, excluding the protection plan cost. Certain arrangements may not be amended after confirmation and could incur up to a 100% cancellation charge. No refunds are permitted on issued rail tickets.

How do I make a reservation with Railbookers?

To make a reservation with Railbookers:

  • Browse itineraries – visit Railbookers’ website to explore available rail vacation packages.
  • Customize your trip – select a pre-designed itinerary or request modifications, such as additional destinations, upgraded accommodations, or extended stays.
  • Contact Railbookers – call (888) 829-3040 or use the online inquiry form to speak with a travel consultant for booking assistance.
  • Receive a quote – a consultant will provide a price quote based on your selected itinerary and customizations.
  • Confirm your reservation – agree to the itinerary details and pricing, then provide personal details for all travelers.
  • Make a deposit – pay the required deposit to secure the booking, with the remaining balance due 90 days before departure.
  • Receive travel documents – once payment is completed, Railbookers will send e-tickets, hotel confirmations, and any additional travel information before departure.

What customization options are available for my trip?

  • Extend the duration of the trip with additional nights at any destination.
  • Upgrade to first-class or premium train tickets for enhanced comfort.
  • Choose from a selection of hotel accommodations, including luxury and boutique options.
  • Add sightseeing tours, guided experiences, or cultural excursions.
  • Include meal plans such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner at selected hotels or restaurants.
  • Customize departure dates to fit personal schedules.
  • Arrange private transfers between stations, hotels, or airports.
  • Combine multiple rail routes or add extra destinations to the itinerary.
  • Upgrade to scenic or specialty trains for unique travel experiences.
  • Request specific cabin types for overnight train journeys.
  • Include pre- or post-trip accommodations to extend the journey.
  • Add travel protection plans for flexibility and peace of mind.
Frequently asked questions about Railbookers

Who owns Railbookers?

Railbookers is owned by Yankee Leisure Group, a travel company that specializes in independent rail vacations and escorted train tours.

How can I contact Railbookers customer service?

Call Railbookers at (888) 829-3040.

When can I contact Railbookers customer service?

Contact Railbookers customer service Monday to Friday 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern time.

Does Railbookers have an online contact form?

Yes, you can find Railbookers’ online contact form here.

How to get professional help with your Railbookers problem

If you need help with Railbookers, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help
DISCLAIMER: The names, numbers and email addresses on this page are provided for informational purposes and are believed to be reliable. However, they should in no way be construed as a guarantee of their accuracy by Elliott.org. Company executives change their email addresses and phone numbers frequently to avoid contact with customers.

If an email address bounces or a phone number is wrong, please report it to us immediately through this form.

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