Your consumer rights are disappearing. Here’s how to protect yourself now.
Don’t look now, but your consumer rights are vanishing.
Don’t look now, but your consumer rights are vanishing.
Flying with a disability is never easy, but in the past, airlines have lightened the burden a little by offering passengers such as Scott Nold advance seat assignments.
If you rent a car in Europe this summer, you might notice a few changes. Pay attention to them. They could be coming to America soon.
The U.S. Transportation Department surprised the travel world last month by suspending the creation of an important new consumer-protection regulation.
The days of a freewheeling, lightly regulated airline industry, in which it charge whatever fees and fares it pleases, may be nearing an end.
The remarkable thing about the proposed Cruise Passenger Protection Act is that on its face, it looks entirely unremarkable. The law would require cruise lines to publicly report all alleged crimes on a ship and to disclose their passenger contracts in plain English.
The Halloween weekend stranding of more than 1,000 airline passengers at Bradley International Airport in Hartford, Conn., brought the tarmac delay activists out in full force again, pushing for new laws that they claim would prevent lengthy ground delays.