The truth about a spiritual vacation.

The divine truth about a spiritual vacation

If you’re searching for transcendence, connection or meaning in your life, maybe you’ve contemplated a spiritual vacation. You know, getting away to discover a greater truth. And maybe you’ve also wondered if your family is comfortable with that kind of inner journey.

Family vacations are so boring -- and that's awesome!

Family vacations are boring — and that’s awesome!

Family vacations are boring. If you don’t believe me, just ask your kids, and they’ll tell you how boring they are. They’re very boring. (At least that’s what mine tell me when we travel.)

But let’s explore that truth. Kids say “very boring” as if it’s a bad thing, but maybe it isn’t.

Here's how to survive an extreme weather vacation

How to survive an extreme weather vacation

Extreme weather can happen at any time. But when it interrupts your vacation, you’re in real trouble. Consider my recent misadventure when my oldest son, Aren, and I hiked up our favorite trail during Arizona’s famously unpredictable monsoon season.