Turo Customer Service Contacts

Turo is a car-sharing platform, connecting users with hosts offering vehicles for rent.

How to reach a person at Turo

Customer Service: (415) 965-4525

Turo Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about Turo

We get few complaints about Turo. Recently, the company billed a customer $3,000 for a minor scuff.

How to resolve a problem with Turo

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

Turo mailing address

111 Sutter St Ste 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4512

Turo social media channels


Turo executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Jerry Howe
Vice President, Marketplace Support
111 Sutter St Ste 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4512
[email protected]

Secondary Contact
Tom Wang
Chief Product Officer
111 Sutter St Ste 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4512
[email protected]
(415) 965-4525

Julie Weingardt
Chief Operations Officer
111 Sutter St Ste 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4512
[email protected]
(415) 965-4525

Chief Executive
Andre Haddad
111 Sutter St Ste 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4512
[email protected]

Frequently asked questions about Turo

How can I contact Turo customer service?

You can access the Turo customer service chat from the help center page through the bubble in the bottom right corner.  Contact the company at [email protected].  You can also use the Turo customer service email from the website by transferring to their help center by clicking “get help” at the bottom of the main page.

How do I cancel my reservation with Turo?

Here are the steps to cancel your reservation on Turo:

  1. Log into your Turo account.
  2. Go to the “Trips” tab.
  3. Find the trip you want to cancel. It’ll be marked as “Booked.”
  4. Choose “Modify Trip.”
  5. Click the “Cancel” button.
  6. Choose a cancellation reason.


How can I get a refund from Turo?

To request a refund from Turo, follow these steps:

  1. Cancel your reservation: Visit your trips page and click the “cancel” button next to the reservation you want to cancel. Follow the instructions provided.
  2. Contact the host: If you encounter any problems with your Turo rental, contact the host directly to resolve the issue.
  3. Contact Turo customer support: If you cannot resolve the issue with the host, contact Turo customer support and file a claim.  You can access the Turo customer service chat from the help center page through the bubble in the bottom right corner.  You can also contact the company at [email protected].  You can also use the Turo customer service email from the website by transferring to their help center by clicking “get help” at the bottom of the main page.

How to get professional help with your Turo problem

If you need help with Turo, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help

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