American Addiction Centers Customer Service Contacts

American Addiction Centers was founded in 2011 when Foundations Recovery Network merged with Forterus. Their rehabilitation centers offer medical detox, residential treatment, and outpatient treatment. Treatment is available for alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, illicit drug abuse, and behavioral addictions.

How to reach a person at American Addiction Centers

Customer service:  (615) 732-1616

American Addiction Centers Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about American Addiction Centers

The company responds to most customer complaints in a satisfactory manner.

How to resolve a problem with American Addiction Centers

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

American Addiction Centers’s mailing address

200 Powell Place
Brentwood, TN 37027

American Addiction Centers’s social media channels


American Addiction Centers’s executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Lindsey Harris
Business Development
200 Powell Place
Brentwood, TN 37027

Secondary Contact
Thomas W. Doub, Ph.D.
Chief Clinical Officer and Chief Compliance Officer
200 Powell Place
Brentwood, TN 37027

Chief Executive
Michael Cartwright
Chief Executive Officer
200 Powell Place
Brentwood, TN 37027

Frequently asked questions about American Addiction Centers (AAC)

How can I contact American Addiction Centers customer service?

To contact American Addiction Centers (AAC), you have several options:

General inquiries:

Media & PR:

Mailing address:

  • American Addiction Centers
  • 200 Powell Place
  • Brentwood, TN 37027

24/7 helpline:

  • For immediate assistance, call the American Addiction Centers 24/7 Helpline at (888) 987-1784.

Who can I contact at American Addiction Centers if I have a billing question?

If you have a billing issue you can call American Addiction Centers; financial department at (800) 954-6522.

Can you get a refund from American Addiction Centers' customer service?

If you think you qualify for a refund or have billing-related questions, it’s best to contact their customer service directly. You can reach them by calling their main line at (615) 732-1616 or the billing-specific line at (800) 954-6522.

How to get professional help with your American Addiction Centers problem

If you need help with American Addiction Centers, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

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