Where’s my replacement TV from Wal-Mart?
Latonya Holloway’s TV stopped working. Good thing she bought the extended warranty from Wal-Mart. Or is it?
Latonya Holloway’s TV stopped working. Good thing she bought the extended warranty from Wal-Mart. Or is it?
When Rogers Cable removes two of Ed Kurys’s favorite channels from his cable package, he believes the company is violating his contract. But is it?
Ever had a “duh!” moment that you regretted for years to come?
Jessica Beeman paid $779 for her 50-inch TV, a purchase she was pleased with, until one day “it just stopped” working. And then she wasn’t.
Matt Solum is facing a $400 cancellation fee for a DirecTV package he doesn’t want, and believes he shouldn’t have to pay for. Is there any way to get it removed?
Diana Kennison’s mother has a problem with her new flatscreen TV: it doesn’t work. But neither the manufacturer, nor Wal-Mart, can help her fix it.
Jennifer Mason’s TV is on the blink. She thinks Vizio should repair it, but the manufacturer says it’s out of warranty. Who’s right?