Roberts Hawaii Customer Service Contacts

Roberts Hawaii, Inc. is a tour and transportation company. The company provides transportation services, personalized sightseeing tours, and excursions, as well as dining experiences, water activities, shows and entertainment, island-hopping, and shore excursions. The company also provides group services, such as school bus  and airport express shuttle transportation. It offers its services on the islands of Oahu, Maui and Kauai.

How to reach a person at Roberts Hawaii

Toll Free: (808) 539-9400

Roberts Hawaii Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about Roberts Hawaii

The company responds to most customer complaints in a satisfactory manner.

How to resolve a problem with Roberts Hawaii

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

Roberts Hawaii’s mailing address

444 Niu Street
Suite 300
Honolulu, HI 96815

Roberts Hawaii’s social media channels


Roberts Hawaii’s executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Paul Dower
Operations Manager
444 Niu Street
Suite 300
Honolulu, HI 96815
[email protected]

Secondary Contact
Jason Young
Vice President of Operations
444 Niu Street
Suite 300
Honolulu, HI 96815
[email protected]

Deems Narimatsu
Senior Vice President Operations
444 Niu Street
Suite 300
Honolulu, HI 96815
[email protected]

Chief Executive
Percy Higashi
President and COO
444 Niu Street
Suite 300
Honolulu, HI 96815
[email protected]
(808) 523-7750 x8830

How to get professional help with your Roberts Hawaii problem

If you need help with Roberts Hawaii, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

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