There's an intruder in Linda Jones's apartment. She thinks she's entitled to a refund from for the inconvenience. But you will never, ever, guess how this case resolves.

I have an intruder in my apartment! Do I deserve a refund?

There’s an intruder in Linda Jones’s apartment. She thinks she’s entitled to a refund from for the inconvenience. But you will never — not in a million years — guess how this case resolves.

Her problem is about more than travel safety and corporate intransigence. It’s about the power of a single word. In this case, it’s an email address.

The heroes of the coronavirus crisis are the doctors, nurses, and paramedics working long hours at great risk of exposure. (Thanks!) But who else is a hero?

Please remember the heroes of the coronavirus crisis

The visible heroes of the coronavirus crisis are the doctors, nurses, and paramedics. They are working long hours at great risk of exposure. (Thank you!!) But there are also hundreds of thousands of unsung heroes offering coronavirus help. They’re employed at grocery stores, pharmacies, travel agencies, insurance companies — and Williamsburg Landing.